Promising new Partnership

This summer (2024) we signed a partnership with EIT-Health. This enables us to contribute to an esteemed European innovation community, to which we were warm-heartedly welcomed.

EIT Health introduces itself

EIT Health was established in 2015, as a ‘knowledge and innovation community’ (KIC) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The EIT is made up of various KICs who each focus on a different sector, or area, of innovation – in our case, that is health and aging. The idea behind the EIT KICs is that innovation flourishes best when the right people are brought together to share expertise. The so called ‘knowledge triangle’, is the principle that when experts from business, research and education work together as one, an optimal environment for innovation is created. (source)

Our vast community, including approximately 120 world-class Partner organisations, works across borders to connect the three worlds of business, research and education. We call this meeting point the ‘knowledge triangle’ because it’s where life-changing innovation happens.

Life-changing ideas become reality right here. We bring together the brightest minds from the worlds of business, research, education and healthcare delivery to answer some of the biggest health challenges facing Europe. (source:

High Value Care Education

The Society Personalized Healthcare (het Genootschap Gepersonaliseerde Zorg) foresees to contribute to the EIT Health project High Value Care Education, providing education for physicians and other key actors on personalised and sustainable health care. Prof dr Jan Hazelzet, vice chair of our Scientific Board, will lead our collaboration with EIT Health. Further info will be available shortly.

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